Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tutorial Singkat Menggunakan Yahoo Finance API (Versi Indonesia)

<No English Version Available>

Hari ini kita akan belajar membuat aplikasi Stock Inquiry sederhana menggunakan API (Application Programming Interface) Yahoo Finance. Artikel yang serupa sudah banyak disediakan dalam bahasa inggris, jadi untuk kali ini saya tidak menyediakan versi Inggrisnya.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Review / A Short Treatise On "Video Gaming Escapism"

"A lot of us are addicted to something that makes the pain go away"

No, I won't be talking about religion or even drugs. I will be talking about something else, I'm gonna talk about 'fiction', or to be more precise, I'm gonna talk about gaming.

Life can be very stressful, and the human mind can only take so much. At the end of the day, there are times when we wish we were another person, living a different life.

And a lot of games offer that kind of possibility. And I mean BIG TIME. And it became a problem too. Some people choose to play games all day long, rather than facing reality.

And that's where this game : Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (FFTA) comes in.

I started playing FFTA years ago, but haven't got time to finish it until 2012. I was in another town at the time, far from friends and family for a (arguably dead-end) project. And although I did made some friends there, I do wish I was back home with my family.

Before we begin, this is a mandatory "SPOILER ALERT" warning. I will write about the events in the games. If you are thinking of playing this game, please stop right here, and experience this game the way it's meant to be : to be played.

Let's begin.