Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (Bag 5 - Galeri Foto)

Oke deh, udah lama gak posting mengenai Universitas terbuka.

Kali ini penulis akan memperlihatkan beberapa foto/hasil scan dari dokumen-dokumen (dan lain sebagainya) yang dijumpai penulis selama menjadi mahasiswa UT (pada saat artikel ini ditulis, penulis baru menyelesaikan ujian akhir semester 2).

Gambarnya bisa diklik untuk versi yang lebih besar.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Menampilkan Report dengan MS Reporting Pada VB.NET (Versi Indonesia)

Tutorial ini membahas mengenai menampilkan report (menggunakan Microsoft Reporting) di VB.NET

Artikel ini adalah terjemahan dari versi bahasa Inggris (yang juga ditulis oleh penulis). Akan ada sedikit perbedaan, karena memang ada istilah dalam bahasa inggris yang sulit dicari padanannya dalam bahasa Indonesia, (lagian kalau sama persis kesannya kayak google translate abiezz)

Biasanya orang suka nanya "gimana sih cara menampilkan report di program", dan seringkali mereka menyebut suatu produk tertentu, yaitu Crystal Reports. Crystal Reports adalah yang paling sering digunakan (penulis sudah menggunakan Crystal Reports dari versi 8.5, dengan programnya pakai VB6). Namun sebenarnya banyak pilihan lain yang bisa digunakan, ada ActiveReports, XtraReports, dst.

Penulis pertama kali berkenalan dengan Microsoft Reporting itu adalah saat company di tempat penulis bekerja waktu itu menggunakan SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 sebagai standar dari pembuatan report. SQL Server Reporting Services ini adalah produk reporting andalan utama microsoft, yang jalannya server-side (ada Report Server sendiri). Namun demikian Microsoft juga menyediakan versi client side-nya yang disebut Microsoft Reporting.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Displaying Reports Using MS Reporting In VB.NET (English Version)

Indonesian Version here

This is a simple tutorial about displaying report (using Microsoft Reporting) in VB.NET

One of many questions I often encounter is 'how to display a report' in an application. Most of the time, the people asking that question mentions a specific product, which is Crystal Reports. But in reality there are many products that can be used to display a report in your program, such as Crystal Reports (bundled in Visual Studio .NET, up until version 2008), Xtra Reports, Active Reports, and many more.

This time I will show you how to use Microsoft's own reporting Technology, which is Microsoft Reporting, which is included in Visual Studio ( From version 2005 - CMIIW), and very similar (a lighter version) of the more famous "Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services".

In my personal opinion, if you are planning to create a report that will be exported to Microsoft Excel, it's alot easier to make it using Microsoft Reports instead of Crystal Reports. Mainly because if you're using Microsoft Reports, even the design layout is shaped in cells, as opposed to free placement layout of Crystal Reports, therefore you have more control on how the report would appear in the exported excel document.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Custom Shape Control VB. NET

Indonesian Version Available Below (After The English Version)

This time we will try to create a "Custom Shape Area" control. This example is only a small part of the original application, which is a Shopping Mall floor-plan. In the original application, the user can view a map of a floor and click at a shop (the shops are shaped like the original, which is why a custom shape control is required), to view info about the shop.

I found the idea of this "Custom Shape Area" control on an Article in CodeProject that explains about making a VB6 circle shaped control  (in VB. NET, this circle control is no longer provided in the toolbox).

We will start this example by simple shapes such as Ellipse and Rectangle, and after that we will talk about the custom shape control (using polygons).

Monday, August 26, 2013

Game Review : Grand Theft Auto 4

Warning! : Major Spoilers Ahead. Continue at your own risk (and also some explicit language)

(cover picture taken from wikipedia)

Well, this time I would like to review GTA (Grand Theft Auto) 4. Not a full review actually, only about the parts that's quite impressive for me.

GTA 4 is the first game in the GTA Series that I've played. The second one is GTA San Andreas which maybe I'll cover in another post.

I played GTA 4 only recently (2013). Why ?

  1. I don't have good enough hardware. Only after I bought a new Graphics Card (the previous one came with the motherboard), I've begin playing some modern games. Even now I've experienced quite a lag during play. Seems I need to upgrade my entire PC (not just the graphics) to get a smoother experience.
  2. I usually played as "the good guy". GTA Series is notorious for having a criminal as the main protagonist, so naturally when I've heard about people renting a hooker in the GTA games, only to later shoot the hooker to get their money back, I said to myself "Dude, that's fucked up!"

Monday, August 19, 2013

Movie Review : The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Well, it's weekend now, and because weekends is usually the time where I can 'let my guard down', I would like to review a movie (and especially the songs), because it's somehow had a profound impact to the way I see things.

The movie I'm about to review is "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", the Disney animated film.

(front image of the audio cassette)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (Bag 4)

Kali ini gue mau nulis mengenai prosedur yang dijelaskan saat orientasi mahasiswa baru di Universitas Terbuka (Feb 2013)

Sebelumnya, disclaimer dulu :

Ini adalah informasi yang disampaikan pada Feb 2013, dan ada kemungkinan ada perubahan peraturan, untuk angkatan yang lebih baru. Pastikan bahwa anda sebagai pembaca, mendapat informasi yang terupdate.

Yuk kita mulai.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Add Controls At Run-Time To Your Application VB.NET

Indonesian Version Available Below (After The English Version)

This blog post is actually a prelude to next post "Custom Shaped Areas In VB.NET". When trying to write that one, It came to me that the knowledge on how to add controls at run-time is required, and so I wrote this one first.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Movie Review : Warrior (2011)

Okay, this time I would like to make a review of the movie : Warrior, starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton and Nick Nolte (Nick Nolte received an academy award nomination for his role).

(Theatrical Poster found in its wikipedia page)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (Bag 3) | Study in Indonesian Open University (Part 3)

English Version Available Below (After Indonesian Version)

Okay, lanjut yah.

Jadi tanggal 23 Feb 2013, gua bangun sekitar jam 5 pagi (antisipasi nyasar, mengingat belum pernah ke gedung baru yang dimaksud).

Sesampainya di lokasi, sempat bingung karena gerbangnya tidak dibuka, dan ternyata ada satpam yang berdiri di depan, mengarahkan gua untuk mengikuti suatu mobil (gua naik motor). Ternyata orientasi mahasiswanya tidak jadi di gedung baru, dan panitia menyediakan mobil untuk mahasiswa di depan gedung baru tersebut untuk berangkat ke lokasi lain (yang naik kendaraan sendiri seperti gua, disuruh mengikuti mobil tersebut).

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (Bag 2) | Study in Indonesian Open University (Part 2)

English Version Available Below (After Indonesian Version)

Jadi, akhirnya waktu awal pertengahan 2012, sekitar waktu dimana gua mulai berhenti dari kerja tetap gua, gua mulai cari informasi mengenai cara mendaftar di Universitas Terbuka. Sayangnya, waktu itu registrasi yang pertengahan tahun (masa perkuliahan 2012-2), sudah berlalu, jadi gua tertunda setengah tahun lagi.

Kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (Bag 1) | Study in Indonesian Open University (Part 1)

English Version Available Below (After Indonesian Version)

Ok, kali ini gua mau cerita mengenai kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (

Yep, sebenarnya gua udah punya gelar S1 dari Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jurusan Teknologi Informasi (Ilmu Komputer), dan gua bangga koq punya gelar tersebut.

Trus kenapa gua mau kuliah lagi ?

Hello World!

Hello Everyone, this is my first post on this blog. And just like customary to every programmer creating his own application. The first one should be Hello World!

I'm not a native english speaker, so forgive me if I have some spelling and grammar mistakes.For those who could speak Indonesian, I will try to provide a (rough) translation below.

To tell you the truth, this is not my first attempt on creating a blog, I had tried a lot of CMS (Content Management System) before, but I never committed myself to fully maintaining one. So let's all hope this current experiment doesn't get abandoned.

I will be posting random stuff on this blog, and hopefully able to organize things too so that it's not too confusing :)

Halo semuanya, ini posting pertama di blog ini, Dan sesuai tradisi programmer waktu membuat program pertamanya, yang pertama adalah "Hello World".

Gua gak jago-jago amat bahasa inggris, jadi sorry aja kalau ada salah eja atau salah tata bahasa. Untuk yang bisa bahasa Indonesia, Gua coba kasih terjemahannya di bawah (yaitu di sini).

Sejujurnya, ini bukan pertama kali nyoba bikin blog, Sebelumnya udah nyoba-nyoba banyak CMS (Content Management System). Tapi gak pernah benar-benar berkomitment untuk mempertahankan 1 blog, Jadi mudah-mudahan eksperimen kali ini gak terbengkalai.

Gua bakal posting artikel2 random di blog ini, Nanti tak coba atur supaya gak terlalu membingungkan. :)