Jadi, akhirnya waktu awal pertengahan 2012, sekitar waktu dimana gua mulai berhenti dari kerja tetap gua, gua mulai cari informasi mengenai cara mendaftar di Universitas Terbuka. Sayangnya, waktu itu registrasi yang pertengahan tahun (masa perkuliahan 2012-2), sudah berlalu, jadi gua tertunda setengah tahun lagi.
Trus menjelang akhir 2012/Awal 2013, mulai cari-cari informasi lagi. Awalnya gua coba daftar dulu di websitenya (dari www.ut.ac.id diarahkan ke sro.ut.ac.id), trus gua milih Program Reguler, isi formulir registrasi, dimana gua juga diminta untuk upload ijazah. Dari situ gua dibuatkan 1 PDF, yang katanya gua harus tunjukkan waktu penyerahan copy ijazah asli yang dilegalisir ke loket di universitas terbuka.
Karena agak bingung musti ngapain (soalnya sempat error juga waktu registrasi online itu, yang anehnya setelah muncul error, gua masih bisa lanjut), gua telpon langsung ke Universitas Terbuka (sesuai lokasi), di www.ut.ac.id ada list alamatnya (istilahnya UPBJJ - singkatan dari apa gua lupa). Karena gua di Jakarta, jadi cari yang di Jakarta (saat itu masih berada di kompleks Universitas Negeri Jakarta).
Yang menerima telpon gua Ibu Ririn, dimana gua diarahkan untuk langsung datang ke lokasi, dan ketika gua menanyakan mengenai registrasi online, dia bilang itu masih uji coba, dan tetap harus menyerahkan Ijazah yang dilegalisir koq (minimal Ijazah SMA/Sederajat) dalam bentuk fisik ke loket.
Setelah itu, gua mulai cari-cari ijazah lama gua, Ternyata muncul masalah baru, yaitu fotokopian ijazah Binus gua yang lama, udah nempel di mapnya (terbuat dari kulit), dan ketika gua cabut, huruf-hurufnya pada copot, nempel di map-nya itu. Untung ijazah aslinya (dan transkrip nilai), tidak sampai rusak. Gua fotokopi ulang dan gua bawa ke Binus untuk dilegalisasi kembali.
Udah lama gak ke binus, sempat kagok waktu lihat tempatnya sudah berubah jauh. Sempat bingung waktu diminta kartu alumni yang bisa discan (entah pagi RFID atau magnetic stripe -- intinya jaman gua kagak ada). Tapi karena gua bawa ijazahnya (asli + fotocopy), jadi data-data gua bisa langsung ketemu.
Masalah berikutnya yang muncul adalah Jakarta banjir besar. Buset deh, Mau kuliah aja susah amat yak. Jadi selama beberapa hari Jakarta lumpuh, rumah gua terendam sampai selutut (sepaha di halaman) dan celakanya, masa registrasinya itu berakhir saat peristiwa banjir itu.
Setelah banjir, dengan harap-harap cemas, gua telpon kembali ke Universitas Terbuka, dan ternyata oleh mereka, diberikan toleransi pendaftaran. Gua langsung meluncur ke sana dengan membawa berkas-berkas registrasi. Di sana isi formulir lagi (gua sempat tunjukin print out registrasi internet, tapi katanya gak perlu, register baru saja), dan gua juga diminta untuk langsung memilih mata kuliah yang ada. (dari loket informasi, disuruh ke tempat fotokopian, di sana ada katalog yang memuat daftar mata kuliah). Gua ke tempat fotokopian, cari katalog itu, kemudian memfotokopi lembar yang ada list mata kuliah untuk mata kuliah Manajemen. Kemudian isi formulir registrasi mata kuliah (gua ambil semua yang ditandai semester 1). Kemudian diprint lembar tagihan, gua diminta untuk bayar di bank (Mandiri/BRI/BTN).
Totalnya waktu itu gua ambil 19 SKS, dengan perincian sbb.
- EKMA4111 Pengantar Bisnis 3 SKS
- EKMA4116 Manajemen 4 SKS
- ESPA4110 Pengantar Ekonomi Makro 3 SKS
- ESPA4122 Matematika Ekonomi 3 SKS
- MKDU4110 Bahasa Indonesia 3 SKS
- MKDU4222 Pendidikan Agama Kristen 3 SKS
Harga per SKS 36 rb, jadi Total yang harus gua bayar adalah 684rb. (catatan : harga per SKS bervariasi tergantung jurusan, misalnya akuntansi lebih mahal)
Tidak ada biaya tambahan, karena sudah menganut Uang Kuliah Tunggal, jadi biaya macam-macam yang terjadi sudah dibagi rata ke dalam biaya per SKS.
Besok-besoknya gua bayar ke bank Mandiri (lewat ATM bisa, karena ada nomor billingnya, tapi karena gua gak ada rekening di bank mandiri, jadi bayar cash). Sempat ditanyakan sama pihak bank, kenapa tidak ada informasi nama gua (nama gua gak muncul di data mereka, tapi tagihannya ada), gua telpon ke Universitas Terbuka, katanya memang seperti itu. Jadi lanjut saja bayar.
Setelah bayar itu, berkas yang sudah dicap sama bank gua bawa kembali ke loket, trus gua diminta datang tanggal 23 Feb 2013 untuk Orientasi mahasiswa (diadakan di gedung baru mereka), dan gua ditanyakan mau beli jaket almamater atau tidak, gua beli aja (80rb) -- Gua tau belakangan kalau itu sebenarnya gak wajib.
Gua sempat nanya orientasi mahasiswa-nya ngapain, dia bilang jangan kuatir, gak sama kayak universitas lain, nanti cuman duduk kayak seminar (sempat kuatir ada masa kayak perpeloncoan gitu).
Lanjut di bagian ketiga yah, mengenai masa orientasi mahasiswa.
English Version
So, during mid year 2012, around the time when I quit my full time job, I started to search for some information on how to register for the Open University. Unfortunately, registration for the second semester of 2012 already closed, so I had to wait for another half year.
And then around late 2012/Early 2013, I started again to search for information. Initially I registered online at www.ut.ac.id (redirected to sro.ut.ac.id), I choose the Regular Programmes, entered my data on the registration form (where I'm also requested to upload my previous diploma). From there a PDF file was created for me that I should presented when I give a copy of my diploma (legalized, meaning there had to be a stamp from the authority that issued the diploma), to a counter at the Open University.
Because I got confused what to do next (I even encountered an error during the registration process - some kind of database connectivity issue), I phoned them (the corresponding representation in my location). At www.ut.ac.id there is a list of their addresses (the representation offices are called UPBJJ). Because I'm in Jakarta, so I phoned the one in Jakarta, during that time is still located inside the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Jakarta Public University) complex.
The person who answered my call is Ms Ririn, where she's directed me to come to their office directly, and when I asked about the online registration, she said that it was currently still in trial period, and I still had to give the legalized copy of my previous diploma (At least highschool or equal)
After that I begin to look for my old diploma. There's a problem though, Apparently the legalized copy of my last University diploma (Binus University) had become sticky inside it's leather cover, and when I tried to remove it, The letters get's damaged, they stick to the cover. Fortunately, the original diploma (and the grades transcript) are still intact, I proceeded to make another copy and brought it back to Binus to request for a legal stamp.
It's been a while since I've been in Binus, I got a little awkward when I saw the place is already significantly changed. I got confused when I was being asked for an Alumni Card that could be scanned (Either using RFID or Magnetic Stripes, something that didn't exist in my day). But because I brought my diploma (original + copy), My profile could be immediately found.
The next problem I'm facing is that Jakarta had a big flood. Oh geez, a lot of trouble trying to get back to college. So for a few days, Jakarta is somewhat paralyzed (all business activities stopped). My house is flooded to my knee (in the front yard, it's about a grown man's thigh).
Note for non Indonesians : For several years, we routinely had flood in rainy season. This time the situation got a little worse because the dam broke (which cause the famous Thamrin Nine incident, which is a building next to the dam with 3 storied basement gets flooded, trapping several people inside). The new elected Governor of Jakarta (Mr Joko Widodo and his aide Mr Basuki T. Purnama) is now trying to correct some mismanagement so that it wouldn't happen again in the future.
After the flood, hoping for the best, I phoned back to Open University, and luckily the registration period is extended. I immediately go to their office bringing the required documents. I filled out a form, and I also showed them the online registration printout (which is not needed, they make a new registration data), And I also being requested to select the courses I'm taking.
From the information counter, I was directed to the copy center, to look for the courses catalog. I went there, found the catalog, and I copied pages that contains the courses majoring in Management. And then I filled out the courses registration form (I take all courses marked to be taken on the first semester). And then a billing form is printed out, and I'm asked to pay it at either Bank Mandiri, or BRI, or BTN
Note for non Indonesian : Those are big government banks.
I took 19 Credit, with details below:
- EKMA4111 Introduction to Business 3 Credits
- EKMA4116 Management 4 Credits
- ESPA4110 Introduction To Macroeconomics 3 Credits
- ESPA4122 Economic Mathematics 3 Credits
- MKDU4110 Indonesian Language 3 Credits
- MKDU4222 Christian Religion 3 SKS
Note For Non Indonesians: Indonesia is not a secular country, we are still being taught religion at school.
Price for 1 credit is 36.000 rupiahs (around 4 USD), In total it was 684.000 rupiahs (around 75 USD). The price for 1 credit varies for each major, for example, Accounting Major is more expensive.
Note for Non Indonesians : Yes I know it is cheap for some other countries, but you should also consider that Indonesia's income level is not very high. I started work after college with monthly salary only around 200 USD. And it was an 8 to 5 office job too, as a Programmer.
The next day, I paid cash at Bank Mandiri. You can also pay through the ATM Machine, by entering the billing number, but I don't have an account at Bank Mandiri. The bank once asked me why during validation my name does not appear, I phoned the Open University, they said it was normal. So the bank continued the payment process.
After that, I returned the stamped billing form to the counter. They told me to come for orientation classes at February 23rd, 2013 to their new building not far. They asked me if I want to buy the University Jacket (hope it's the correct term in english), So I bought one (80.000 rupiahs, around 9 USD). I found out later that it was not mandatory.
I asked them what would happen during the orientation classes, they said not to worry, it's gonna be just like seminars.
(I was kinda worried there would be some hazing involved. Universities in Indonesia is quite notorious for that kind of activities)
Continued on Part 3.
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