Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kuliah di Universitas Terbuka (Bag 3) | Study in Indonesian Open University (Part 3)

English Version Available Below (After Indonesian Version)

Okay, lanjut yah.

Jadi tanggal 23 Feb 2013, gua bangun sekitar jam 5 pagi (antisipasi nyasar, mengingat belum pernah ke gedung baru yang dimaksud).

Sesampainya di lokasi, sempat bingung karena gerbangnya tidak dibuka, dan ternyata ada satpam yang berdiri di depan, mengarahkan gua untuk mengikuti suatu mobil (gua naik motor). Ternyata orientasi mahasiswanya tidak jadi di gedung baru, dan panitia menyediakan mobil untuk mahasiswa di depan gedung baru tersebut untuk berangkat ke lokasi lain (yang naik kendaraan sendiri seperti gua, disuruh mengikuti mobil tersebut).

Mobil tersebut kembali lagi ke kompleks UNJ. Gua lihat sudah banyak orang yang mengenakan jaket almamater. Gua parkir, isi daftar hadir, kemudian diberikan kertas Isinya Hymne UT, kuesioner dan 2 butir permen.

Trus masuk ke aula yang cukup besar, di situ menunggu cukup lama, sampai acaranya mulai (sepertinya karena mobil penjemput tadi harus bolak-balik untuk mengambil mahasiswa yang datang ke gedung baru). Sambil menunggu, kita diajarkan menyanyi Hymne UT. Kita dihimbau untuk tidak memakai jaket almamater dulu, karena nanti akan ada seremoni dimana kita memakai bersama jaket almamater tersebut.

Gua lihat mahasiswa baru yang datang cukup bervariasi. Sebenarnya gua takut merasa aneh dikelilingi anak2 muda (takut gak nyambung), tapi ternyata banyak yang datang terlihat lebih tua dari gua.

Acara dimulai dengan seremonial singkat penyambutan mahasiswa baru, kita bersama-sama memakai jaket almamater (gak semua pakai, karena optional, tapi mereka ada mengucapkan terima kasih bahwa sebagian besar beli). Mereka juga mohon maaf atas pindahnya lokasi yang menurut mereka karena ada masalah dengan kontraktor, dimana seharusnya gedung baru itu sudah selesai, tapi ternyata belum.

Sesi pertama adalah sesi perkenalan UT, sekaligus motivational speech. Pembicara menyampaikan bahwa UT adalah perguruan tinggi "negeri" ke 45 di Indonesia, dan sudah berdiri dari tahun 80an (umurnya 29 tahun).

Motivational Speechnya lumayan menarik, dimana dia menyebutkan tokoh-tokoh terkenal yang adalah lulusan UT, antara lain Gubernur Bangka Belitung, Ibu Negara Ani Yudhoyono (Sarjana Ilmu Politik), dan beberapa artis (Asmirandah, Dude Herlino, Devi Permatasari, Sophia Latjuba).

Mereka juga menyampaikan mengenai jumlah mahasiswa UT, dan perwakilan UT yang ternyata ada di beberapa negara (jadi ada TKI yang juga kuliah UT misalnya di hongkong). Ada statistik yang cukup menarik yaitu sekitar 80% dari mahasiswa UT  adalah orang yang sudah bekerja.

Trus dia ada menyampaikan slide yang rada lucu mengenai penyakit-penyakit yang harus dihindari :

Tipus : Tidak Punya Selera
Mual : Mutu Amat Lemah
Kudis : Kurang Disiplin
Asma : Asal Masuk Kelas
TBC : Tidak Bisa Computer
Kusta : Kurang Strategi
Kram : Kurang Terampil
Lesu : Lemah Sumber
Diare : Di kelas amat diremehkan
Asam Urat : Asal sampaikan Materi, Urutan kurang akurat
Ginjal : Gaji Nihil, jarang aktif dan lamban

Setelah motivational speech, dilanjutkan dengan prosedur-prosedur yang harus dijalani sebagai mahasiswa UT, ini akan gua tulis di post berikutnya, biar tulisan yang ini gak terlalu 'berat' di peraturan.

Ada sesi break, dimana dipakai oleh panitia untuk karaokean (termasuk bu Ririn yang terima telpon gua, nyanyi lagu yang rada ngepop).

Setelah sesi break, disambung dengan prosedur-prosedur online. Trus ada perkenalan dari kegiatan mahasiswa (istilahnya PokJa -- Kelompok Belajar), antara lain HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam), Mapala (Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam), Menwa (Resimen Mahasiswa), Komabita (semacam english club), dan lainnya. Untuk pendaftaran, mereka ada buka stand di depan aula, dan dapat dikunjungi setelah acara.

Sebelum pulang, dibagikan konsumsi, ternyata dapat 1 box Hoka-hoka bento (lumayan lah), dan 1 botol air VIT ukuran tanggung.

Setelah itu gua pulang, sempat ada yang membagikan selebaran waktu gua pergi, mengenai penjualan modul (maksudnya buku ajar) 2nd, tapi gua coba email besok-besoknya tidak ditanggapi (gua akhirnya beli modul-nya langsung di website resmi UT).

Gua ada bikin catatan mengenai prosedur-prosedur yang harus dijalani, nanti gua taruh di part berikutnya (part berikutnya gak gua bikin versi inggrisnya, karena sepertinya tidak terlalu berguna buat orang non Indonesia).

English Version
Alright, here we go again.

So, on Feb 23rd 2013,  I woke up earlier, around 5am, to anticipate if i'd get lost, because I've never been to their 'new building'.

When I reached the location, the front gate wasn't open and a security guard was standing in front of it, He directed to follow a car (I'm on a motorcycle). Apparently, the student orientation wouldn't take place in that building, and they provide transportation (a car) in front of the building to transport the students to another place. Those who arrived with their own vehicle, like me, is instructed to follow the car.

I followed the car back to the UNJ (Jakarta Public University) complex, where I saw a lot of people already wearing the University Jacket. I parked, I entered the guest list, and they gave me a copy of the Open University Hymn, a questionnaire form and some candies.

I entered a large hall, I waited with the others for quite a while (surely because the car had to go back and forth taking students from the 'new building'). While waiting, we're being taught to sing the hymn. Also, we are being told not to wear the university jacket yet, because there will be a ceremony, where we will wear it together.

I saw that the new students are quite varied. To be honest, I was a little bit worried that I would be awkward because everyone would be younger, but some of the new students look older.

The orientation started with a short ceremony, where we all sing the hymn and wear the jacket together (not everyone wear's them because it's not mandatory to buy it, but a lot do. They thanked us because of it). They also said sorry for the sudden change of place, which they mention because the contractor didn't finish the building in time.

The first session is an introduction of Open University, a brief history : It was founded in the 80s, the 45th public (government) university and currently at the age of 29).

After that is some motivational speech. The speaker mentioned about their famous graduates, such as the Governor of Bangka Belitung, the First Lady Ani Yudhoyono (she's a bachelor of political studies), and some actor/actresses.

They also mention how many people enrolled in the Open University (it's numbered in thousands), and there are offices representatives around the world (for example there be Indonesian Migrant Workers, such as in hongkong, enrolled as students).

They mention a quite interesting statistics, that is around 80% of the students enrolled were already employed.

The speaker gives some funny acronyms which I won't translate because it doesn't make any sense in english ;)

After the motivational speech, we are being told about procedures that we would have to go through as students. I will write about this in the next post (unfortunately there wouldn't be an english version, as I deemed the information not very useful for non Indonesians)

There's a 15 minute toilet break, during that period, some of the staff entertained us by doing some 'karaoke' session. Ms Ririn, the woman who picked up my phone sings too.

After the break, we continued on with the online procedures. Next was the introductory session with various student activity groups such as the Moslem Student Union, Nature Lovers, and others. They've placed several counters outside the hall, where we coud visit them for information and registration.

Before the orientation ended, we were handed out some food and drink.

I've made some notes about the procedures and rules, I would post them in the next part. But like I mention before, it's only going to be in Indonesian.

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